viewed product

Unlocked Features

  • Product abandonment workflow: Enables you to automate actions when a product is viewed but not purchased.
  • Contact segmentation: Enables targeted communication by categorizing contacts based on specific criteria.

Supported Endpoints

  • track (JavaScript API)

Example event

Below is an example event provided for testing. You can send this through the available endpoints to evaluate automation, segmentation, or any other custom functionalities.

  "page": {
    "title": "Example Store - Log Product",
    "url": ""
  "product": {
    "categories": [
        "id": "2131",
        "title": "The best product"
    "currency": "EUR",
    "id": "232423",
    "imageUrl": "",
    "oldPrice": "4099",
    "price": "2099",
    "_oldPrice": "40.99",
    "_price": "20.99",
    "title": "The best product",
    "status": "inStock",
    "url": ""
  "userInfo": {
    "city": "Vilnius",
    "country": "Lithuania",
    "device": "mobile",
    "language": "en",
    "os": "ios",
    "sessionId": "o9KSwgfgjPDhih-20240131002519"
  "utm": {
    "campaign": "Summer_sale Campaign",
    "medium": "Facebook_Mobile_Feed",
    "source": "Facebook_Ads"

Property explanation & expected types

Value PathDescriptionExampleType
page.titleTitleExample Store - Log Productstring
product.categoriesCategories-array of objects
product.categories.titleTitleThe best productstring
product.currencyCurrency code in ISO 4217 formatEURstring
product.imageUrlImage Url
product.oldPriceValue in cents. Please refer to _oldPrice4099number
product.priceValue in cents. Please refer to _price2099number
product._oldPricePrevious product price. This should be filled if product is discounted40.99number
product._priceCurrent product price20.99number
product.titleTitleThe best productstring
product.statusProduct status at the time of the event. Default values: 'inStock', 'outOfStock', 'notAvailable'inStockstring
product.urlURL to product page
userInfoUser Info-object
userInfo.cityCity name. Property is resolved from IP address.Vilniusstring
userInfo.countryCountry name. Property is resolved from IP address.Lithuaniastring
userInfo.deviceDevice name. Property is resolved from user agent.mobilestring
userInfo.languageUser selected language. Property is resolved from user agent.enstring
userInfo.osUser operation system. Property is resolved from user agent.iosstring
userInfo.sessionIdUser browser session. Can be used to detect events from the same browser session.o9KSwgfgjPDhih-20240131002519string
utmWill be only prefilled if user opened site from shared campaign link-object
utm.campaignMarketing campaign name. Summer_sale Campaignstring
utm.mediumFrom what medium user opened site. i.e 'social'Facebook_Mobile_Feedstring
utm.sourceFrom what source user opened site. i.e 'facebook'Facebook_Adsstring