How to: enable product abandonment


Product abandonment functionality helps to recapture shoppers who view specific products and leave the store.

Generally, it follows these steps:

  1. An anonymous visitor visits your shop.
  2. The visitor is identified by Omnisend form or programmatically via snippet
  3. Visitor views the product

If the visitor doesn't buy the product abandonment flow can kick in.

This guide will cover how to implement this functionality

Product abandonment

To enable product abandonment automation, it is necessary to send a viewed product event to initiate the flow and a placed order event to cancel the flow.

1. Send a viewed product event each time a visitor visits a product page

We are recommending sending this event via JavaScript API. Here is an example:

<script type="text/javascript">
      "viewed product",
        eventVersion: "v4",
        origin: "api",
        properties: {
            product: {
                id: 'prod666',
                currency: 'USD',
                price: 66.66,
                oldPrice: 69.99,
                title: 'Container',
                description: 'Amazing container',
                imageUrl: '',
                url: '',
                status: 'inStock',
                categories: [
                        id: 'first',
                        title: 'containers'

For a detailed explanation of the event, see the viewed product event reference.

2. Send a placed order event when a visitor places an order

Workflow can be canceled by sending placed order event. Here is an example of the placed order:
For a detailed explanation of the event, see the placed order event reference.

Final notes

We have covered the most important events for enabling cart/checkout abandonment workflows. We recommend sending at least these 3 events. However, there are many more that you can use to improve your workflows.

To learn more: