Migrate products from v3 to v5

Changes in the Products API v5

Here is a summary of the changes in the Products API v5:

idstringYesRenamed from productID
urlstringYesRenamed from productUrl
pricefloatNoNew field
strikeThroughPricefloatNoNew field
defaultImageUrlstringNoNew field
images[]stringNoType has changed
variants[].idstringYesRenamed from variants[].variantID
variants[].urlstringYesRenamed from variants[].productUrl
variants[].pricefloatNoType has changed
variants[].strikeThroughPricefloatNoRenamed from variants[].oldPrice, type has changed
variants[].descriptionstringNoNew field
variants[].defaultImageUrlstringNoNew field
variants[].images[]stringNoReplaced variants[].imageID


  • We got rid of the imageID field and replaced it with an array of image URLs. This change allows you to provide
    multiple images for a single product or variant in a more straightforward way.
  • defaultImageUrl is a new field that allows you to set a default image for a product or variant.


  • within new API, prices (price and strikeThroughPrice) are represented as floats. In the previous version, they
    were integers (cents).