Track contact activity.

OAuth 2.0 scopes: events.write.

To find out more what kind of events could be sent via this endpoint please take a look here.

Every event is attributed to a specific contact and either contact id, email or phoneNumber must be specified.

Event properties

Maximum 100 properties could be specified for one event.

Name restrictions:

  • Property names can contain only latin characters, numbers, "_" (underscore) sign
  • Max name length - 128 symbols
  • Name are case-sensitive

Value restrictions:

  • String max length - 2048 characters
  • Objects and arrays are not supported
  • Floats are rounded to 6 digits precision

Supported types

boolbooleantrue, false
stringstringlorem ipsum
datestring, YYYY-MM-DD format2021-09-01
dateTimestring, ISO 8601 format2021-09-01T12:41:52Z, 2021-09-01T12:41:52+03:00
emailstring, email format[email protected]
urlstring, URL format

If an event is sent for the first time (this is determined by the eventName), the event scheme will be created for it and all property types will be determined automatically.

If an event is sent not for the first time, the event scheme will be updated and all new properties will be added to it.
The scheme for the existing properties won't be changed though. If the existing property types won't match ones from the request, the error will be returned.

Specifying contact details

It's important to mention that a request to this endpoint not only creates an event, but also creates or updates a contact if more contact properties are specified.

Creating a new contact

When creating a new contact, either email or phoneNumber is required. Additionally, other properties needed could be set.

Updating an existing contact

When updating a contact, either id, email or phoneNumber is required to match the existing contact. Additionally, other properties needed could be changed or removed.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!