
To track events JavaScript snippet needs to be added to all of your pages.

You can send all except order events in via snippet, you can find events references in the dedicated events section.



Ensure the contact is identified before sending events by invoking the identifyContact function. Additional details are available in this section. Without identification, events will not be transmitted to Omnisend.

$pageViewed event

$pageViewed event is used for Live View Website Tracking.
To track page views, use JavaScript code line:

omnisend.push(["track", "$pageViewed"]);

Note 1: this code line is added to the default snippet code, so don't duplicate it.

Note 2: to use this functionality please use the newest JavaScript snippet code.

$productViewed event

Fire $productViewed event when a user views a product. This event is used for:

    $productID: "prod666",
    $variantID: "prod666_1",
    $currency: "USD",
    $price: 6666, //price in cents (integer)
    $title: "Container",
    $imageUrl: "",
    $productUrl: "",


$productIDstringYesProduct ID
$variantIDstringYesProduct's variant ID
$currencystring(3)YesCurrency ISO 4217 code
$priceintegerYesProduct price in cents
$oldPriceintegerNoOld product price in cents
$titlestringYesProduct title
$descriptionstringNoProduct description. We'll strip it to 30 words.
$imageUrlstringYesLink to product's image
$productUrlstringYesLink to product's page
$vendorstringNoProduct's vendor

Example of $productViewed event code:

<script type="text/javascript">
    omnisend.push(["track", "$productViewed",{
     $variantID: "prod666_1",
     $currency: "USD",
     $price: 6666, //price in cents (integer)
     $oldPrice: 6999, //old price in cents (integer)
     $imageUrl: "",
     $vendor: "vendor"

Note: to use this functionality please use the newest JavaScript snippet code.